IWPa Sposa Med Wedding planners
IWPa Sposa Med Wedding planners
Proud Founder Member of IWPa.
Prestige & Luxury Weddings, known also as Sposa Mediterranea and Wedding Ravello, since 1995 is a Destination Wedding Specialist serving discerning couples who choose Italy for their dream to come true. We at PLW are one of the few wedding planner company that operates all over Italy and the nicest locations of the world, with an expert team of on-site pros coordinators and service vendors.
This makes our clients save money while having extremely dedicated service.
We don't pretend to be the ones able to open all "exclusive" venues but work hand in hand with venues and suppliers that fit our quality standards and can guarantee the best service for money.
Our portfolio shows only few of the weddings we do in a year and all are unique as unique our clients are.
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